The Rock Island Art Guild gave out 5 awards at the Annual Quad City Arts High School Invitational at the Opening Reception on Thursday, March 28. RIAG President Bob Lelonek presented the awards and also gave a brief overview of the Rock Island Art Guild’s mission.
- Sculpture Award ($100): Meyah Frazier, Central High School, “Flowing”
- Photography Award ($100): Sunny Roberts, mercer County High School, “Milky Way at 4am in Rural Illinois”
- Painting Award ($100): Nadia Meeks, Figge Art Academy, “The Fortune Teller Remade”
- Drawing Award ($100): Sean Chen, Bettendorf High School, “Self Portrait”
- Rock island High School Student Award ($100); Delaney Carroll, Rock Island High School, “Woman”
A full list of student award winners can be found on the Quad City Arts website.