The Rock Island Art Guild announced prize awards for the 41st Fine Arts Exhibition during the Opening Reception on Thursday, Feb. 6 at the Figge Art Museum.


First Place $1,000
Kaitlin Walsh (Pleasant Valley, IA), The Temporal Bone, 2019, Oil on canvas

Second Place $500
Michael Wilcox (Eldridge, IA), Fifty Foot Falls at Supai Arizona, 2015, Digital print
Third Place Founders Award in honor of Jean Welch Walgren $300
Gloria Burlingame (Rock Island, IL), Reflections, 2019, Oil pastel on board
Sally MacMillan Watercolor Award $500
Linda Buechting (Quincy, IL), Sunday Donuts, 2019, Watercolor on paper
Sculpture Award In Memory of Zeivel Harris $500
William Close (New Hartford, IA), Hurry Sally You’re Late For School, 2019, Wood
Honorable Mention Awards $100
Gayle Lehmkuhl (Fairbank, IA), View from the Mound, 2019, Oil on canvas

 Kaitlin walsh

Michael Wilcox

Gloria Burlingame

Linda Buechting

William Close

Gayle Lehmkuhl