The Rock Island Art Guild held the March meeting at Rock Island High School to visit the Rock Island High School art room and meet the art students and members of the Art Club.  Members were also happy to see the kiln and pug mill that the guild donated last year were being put to good use by the art teacher and students!

Students shared artwork and discussed their projects. This has been a busy semester for the Art Club – they recently completed the Memory Project (read the story in the Dispatch/Argus) and also have been providing art instruction to the 3rd and 4th grade students at the Rock Island Center for Math & Science.



Rock Island Art Guild and Rock Island High School Art Club group photo!


New kiln donated by the Art Guild.

New kiln donated by the Art Guild.

The pug mill donated by the Art Guild!

The pug mill donated by the Art Guild!

Elijah showing Guild members some of his artwork.

Elijah showing Guild members some of his artwork.